It’s finally here! Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night has launched for Playstation 4, Xbox One, and PC. It wouldn’t have been possible without all of you who believed in the project when Koji Igarashi came to Kickstarter and asked for Igavania fans’ support.
PS4/Xbox/PC launch day is finally here!
On a big day like this—well, we should hear from IGA himself. IGA?

Hello everyone, IGA here.
The day has finally arrived. The release is here!
I do want to first apologize to those whose delivery is delayed due to their region. We wanted to deliver it to everyone as quickly as possible, but due to various conditions of selling the game, the delay was unavoidable.
Steam keys have been given out to backers in the affected regions (Japan and Asia PS4). We hope you enjoy it until your chosen platform arrives.
Today is the true beginning of Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night. Thanks to everyone who supported us on our way, we were able to get here. Thank you so much.
From here we are going to do our best to make the Bloodstained series even more exciting.
With that said, we still have a lot more work to do. There’s still much more content to come, so we can’t let this excitement from the release get to us just yet. Please stay with us until all the content has been released. – IGA
兎にも角にも、ここからBloodstained: Ritual of the Nightの本当の始まりとなります。
Backer Code Distribution Update: At press time, digital codes are available for all Steam, GOG, and Xbox One games, as well as PS4 codes in the EU region. We have not yet received PS4 codes for the US region, but we expect them from Sony today. PS4 and Switch Japan and Asia codes are subject to the Japan delay announced in the last update, while Switch codes in other regions will be distributed on the game’s Switch release date, June 25.
If you have a code that’s currently available, you can find it right now on your backer management/survey page. If you don’t have that link handy, you can get it resent to you here.

Just as Bloodstained finally becomes real we’ve noticed some of you bringing pieces of the game into the real world! Check out these two examples:

Congratulations army of the night! Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is now available on PC, PS4 and XB1! Switch will launch next Tuesday on June 25th.
Today marks the launch of the game, but it’s only the beginning: Coming very soon you’ll see the “Speed Demon Update,” which includes the first 3 of 13 FREE DLCs! Boss Rush Mode, Speed Run Mode and the Pure Miriam Outfit will all await you in-game on PC today; the teams are working in turbo mode to get this update on PS4 and Xbox One asap, and we’ll be updating everyone as we learn more.
It’s been a long road to get here and everyone at 505 Games wants to thank all of the dedicated and passionate backers, volunteers and fans who helped make this day become a reality.
There’ll be more updates from us and Fangamer as we continue delivery of backer goods, game copies for Switch next week, and resolve shipping and logistics issues as they may arise, and especially as we continue to work on the delay in Asia/Japan as a top priority.
We’ve got an incredibly bright future planned for Bloodstained, with so many surprises and awesome stuff you wouldn’t believe it if I told you about all of it right now. I know I speak for everyone at 505 when I say it’s been an honor and a privilege to work to the benefit of all backers and Bloodstained in general, and our dedication and passion is only going to increase from here!
Congratulations again to everyone, Bloodstained is here…IGAVANIA IS BACK – AND IT’S HERE TO STAY!
Roberto Piraino
Global Brand Manager-505 Games
P.S. – Everyone is absolutely prohibited from using the following words as names for their save files. Using the following words may result in crystallization of the skin, an uncontrollable desire to battle evil, and an urge to strike bizarre poses:
NIGHTMARE (!warning-spoilers!)
I’ve also been informed that prominent YouTubers from the Credit Clans may be in possession of other prohibited words…
夜の軍団の皆様、大変長らくお待たせいたしました!Bloodstained:Ritual of the Nightが、PC、PS4およびXB1でプレイ可能になりました!Switchは6月25日の火曜日に発売されます。
本日、ゲームの発売だけでなく、13の無料DLCのうちから3つ含まれる「Speed Demon Update」も登場します。ボスラッシュモード、スピードランモード、そしてピュアミリアムコスチュームが含まれます。
長い道のりでしたが、505 Gamesは全てのバッカー、ボランティア、そしてファンに感謝しております。
100ドル~ 175ドルのバッカーには小島文美先生折りたたみ式ポスターをお送りいたします。
505 Gamesを代表して言えることはBloodstainedやバッカーの皆様と関われることを誇りに思います。ご期待に添えるよう精一杯努力してまいります。
最後にもう一度皆様に感謝の気持ちをお伝えします。Bloodstainedがやってきた…IGAVANIA IS BACK – AND IT’S HERE TO STAY!
Roberto Piraino
Global Brand Manager, 505 Games
P.S. 下記の名前はネームエントリーは絶対使わないでください。絶対ですよ?
NIGHTMARE (ネタバレ注意)